Monday, 27 July 2015


So my new obsession is coffee. For someone who has never liked coffee I started to try a cappuccino every now and then. I found that I quite liked it, I did need to add sugar to it though as some cappuccinos I found could be bitter.

Then a few months ago I decided to try a flavoured latte. My choice was a caramel latte with cream topping. And from then I was hooked. It has got so bad that I have gone from nothing at all to buying a Tassimo coffee machine which has lots of yummy flavours for me to have.

I can recommend

Monday, 20 July 2015

Six weeks off of school

So just a day away from the six week holidays and I am trying to think up things for the kids to do.
So am putting together a list starting with.

Things we have to do.

1) take son to his Royal Brompton appointment
2) go to the dentist
3) bug club (school reading scheme)
4) spend time with nanny
5) sort out school uniform for September
6) try to keep the childrens bedroom tidy

Things we would like to do

1) go to the park
2) go to London
3) visit some museums
4) have sushi
5) go to the beach
6) have a Bbq
7) go visit some animals
8) go swimming

So far that is the list from the kids.

Let's hope we can do most of them.