Sunday, 31 May 2015

Questions asked to children

WITHOUT any prompting, ask your child these questions & write down EXACTLY what they say. It's a great & funny way to find out exactly what they think.

Childs Name: P
Age: 5

1. What is something Mummy always says to you? - Clean your room

2. What makes Mummy happy? - Me and church

3. What makes Mummy sad? - mummy's knee

4. How does Mummy make you laugh? - tickles me

5. What was Mummy like as a child? - Don't know

6. How old is Mummy? - young

7. How tall is Mummy? - very tall

8. What is Mummy's favourite thing to do? - Watch TV

9. What does Mummy do when you're not here? - Clean up after me

10. If Mummy becomes famous what will it be for? - singing

11. What is Mummy really good at? - Loving me

12. What is Mummy not very good at? - don't know

13. What is Mummy's job? - look after me

14. What makes you proud of Mummy? -

15. What is Mummy's favourite food? - sweets

16. What do you & Mummy do together? - watch top gear

17. How are you & Mummy the same? - we faint

18. If your Mummy was a cartoon character who would she be? -

19. How are you & Mummy different? - mummy's has red hair today

20. How do you know Mummy loves you? - she gives me cuddles

21. What does Mummy like best about you ? - She's my mummy

22. Where is Mummy's favourite place to go? - Church

23. How old was Mummy when she had you? - 20